Friday, July 22, 2011

Long Overdue Update Post

I've been overly lazy this summer, and I've been neglecting my social networking responsibilities, unfortunately. Spending most of my time with my family, and doing lots of freelance work here and there. Still, as much as I love a vacation, I'm ready for the school year to resume and for life to get back into full swing.

So, updates. Firstly, for those of you who haven't heard or have been asking, yes, Monica and I split up. It's a long story I really don't care to relate, but let's just say I learned by lesson about getting involved in political discussions with certain people. There was a big mess of a fight and the end was definitely not a cordial one. Still, life goes on as it always must, and I'm happy to say that I've moved on pretty smoothly and easily, no hitches in this giddy-up!

Oh, and we got a puppy! His name is Hurley, he's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenees mix, meaning that when he grows up I'll be fully capable of investing in a saddle and riding him like a fuzzy, overly-affectionate war horse. He really is such a lovey little boy who loves nothing more than napping in my lap and going for runs with me every day, but he's gonna be a big ol' boy. Six weeks old, his paw is as big as the palm of my hand. Dayum!

My artwork has slowed a bit, but it hasn't stopped. I spent an obscene amount of money on drawing books, sketchbooks, and a few DVDs for inspiration (The entire first seasons of Darkwing Duck and Fairly OddParents. Don't judge me.), and I'm making further strides towards improvement. Admittedly, it's meant that I've had to spend much of my time locked away in my basement studio sitting at my desk where the sun doesn't shine, but I've tried to balance it out as best I can with plenty of outdoors enjoyment. Got myself a nice tan this summer while in Arkansas visiting family. The trip itself was a bit of an emotional one, because, unfortunately, our family are all at points in our lives where we're old enough to start thinking about going our separate ways and getting our own lives, so it's likely that would be our final family vacation together. Still, it was a lot of fun, and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

School will be starting soon, and I'm excited to go back. My best friend Caleb has enrolled for his freshman year of college, which will be hard for him, since he's been out of school for more than four years, but I can understand the difficulty and I'll be there to help him through it as much as he's been there for me in my own difficult times.

In the meantime, I have more sketching to do, more updates to make, and a craving for an ice cold Coca-Cola right about now. If you'll excuse me!

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